Did You Know? Mexico Drought’s Impact on the Summer Resin Market

Explore the unexpected summer dip in PET bottle resin prices and the impact of the Mexico drought on the global resin supply chain.

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The resin market is crucial in many manufacturing processes, supplying essential materials for a wide range of products such as packaging and automotive parts. Resin, a vital component in making plastics, is important for shaping multiple industries because it is flexible and long-lasting.

Recently, the resin market has faced significant disruptions. Two main factors have come together to affect resin prices and availability: the summer resin change and the severe drought conditions in Mexico. These factors have caused an unexpected decrease in PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottle resin prices during the summer months, which is usually a time when prices stay the same or go up.

In this article, we will explore:

  1. The reasons behind the unexpected drop in PET bottle resin prices.
  2. How the Mexico drought has made existing problems in the resin market worse.
  3. The wider impact on different industries that rely on resin materials.

By understanding these factors, we can gain valuable insights into the materials used and help those involved in the resin market navigate its complexities more effectively.

Understanding the Resin Market and Its Volatility

Resin is a crucial material in manufacturing processes, serving as the foundation for creating plastics, adhesives, varnishes, and more. Specifically, PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottle resin is widely used in making beverage bottles, food containers, and various packaging solutions because of its strength and ability to be recycled.

Several factors contribute to the volatility of the resin market, affecting prices and availability:

  1. Supply and Demand Dynamics: The balance between production capacity and consumer demand is crucial. Any disruptions in supply chains or sudden spikes in demand can lead to significant price shifts.
  2. Feedstock Costs: The primary raw materials used to produce resin include crude oil and natural gas. Fluctuations in the prices of these feedstocks directly affect resin production costs.
  3. Geopolitical Events: Political instability, trade policies, and international relations can influence resin availability. For instance, tariffs on imported resins or sanctions on exporting countries can create bottlenecks in supply.

Understanding these elements provides deeper material insights, helping businesses navigate the complexities of the resin market effectively.

The Surprising Factors Behind the Summer Dip in PET Bottle Resin Prices

Usually, the price of PET bottle resin goes up during the summer months. This is because there is a higher demand for bottled drinks and other products that use PET packaging.

But this summer, something different happened. The prices of PET bottle resin went down instead of going up. This was surprising, and it was caused by some unexpected reasons:

Changes in Consumer Behavior

After the pandemic, people started buying and drinking beverages in different ways. They are consuming more drinks at home and traveling less. This change in behavior has affected the demand for PET packaging materials.

Market Competition

New companies have entered the market and started competing with existing ones. This increased competition has led to price wars, where companies lower their prices to attract customers.

These two factors coming together have caused the prices of PET bottle resin to drop during the summer, which is not what usually happens.

Examining the Impact of the Mexico Drought on Resin Production

Overview of the Severe Drought in Mexico

The current drought in Mexico, driven by La Niña climate patterns, has resulted in severe water shortages across more than half of the country. This situation has particularly impacted Monterrey, a key industrial city known for its extensive manufacturing activities. The city’s dwindling water resources have led to restrictions on water access and a surge in panic buying of bottled water.

Effects on Resin Manufacturing Activities

The drought’s repercussions extend beyond consumer behavior to significantly affect resin production. Resin manufacturing, especially PET resin, is highly water-dependent, requiring substantial amounts of water for both cooling and processing activities. The water scarcity has forced many facilities to reassess their operations, with some halting production entirely.

Altamira Area: A Major Hub for Resin Plants

The Altamira area stands as one of Mexico’s principal hubs for resin manufacturing. Water scarcity in this region has compelled companies to make difficult decisions regarding their production schedules. Resin plants here have been particularly hard-hit, leading to substantial disruptions in output.

Halt in Production Due to Water Scarcity

Several resin producers in Altamira have opted to halt production as a direct response to the water crisis. This decision reflects the severe limitations imposed by the ongoing drought and underscores the critical role that water resources play in resin production. The halt not only affects local supply but also sends ripples through the global resin market.

Force Majeure Declarations on Resin Contracts

In light of these disruptions, many companies have declared force majeure on their resin contracts. This legal provision allows companies to suspend their contractual obligations due to unforeseeable events beyond their control—in this case, the extreme drought conditions. Declaring force majeure provides temporary relief from penalties or breaches of contract that would otherwise occur due to halted production.

Key Points:

  • Water Dependency: Resin manufacturing relies heavily on substantial water resources.
  • Altamira’s Role: A critical hub for resin production severely impacted by drought.
  • Force Majeure: Legal recourse allowing companies to navigate production halts without facing contractual penalties.

The decision to declare force majeure highlights the gravity of the situation and signals potential long-term implications for the global supply chain. It also raises questions about how industries dependent on resins can adapt to such vulnerabilities.

Consequences for the Global Resin Supply Chain

The disruptions in Mexico’s resin production have a significant impact on the global supply chain. The U.S. heavily relies on resin imports from Mexico, so it is directly affected by these production stoppages. This situation poses a higher risk for the U.S. market, which is a major importer of PET resins.

Ripple Effects on the International Supply Chain

The halt in Mexico’s resin production sets off a chain reaction:

  1. Increased Resin Prices: As the supply tightens, prices naturally surge. This price hike doesn’t remain confined to North America but extends globally.
  2. Supply Shortages: Industries relying on just-in-time inventory models face critical shortages, interrupting manufacturing processes.
  3. Logistical Bottlenecks: Shipping delays and increased transportation costs exacerbate supply chain challenges.

Challenges for Industries Dependent on Mexican Resins

Industries most affected by this disruption include:

  1. Packaging Industry: Companies producing plastic bottles and containers must navigate sudden raw material scarcity.
  2. Automotive Sector: Key components reliant on specific types of resins may see production slowdowns or even stoppages.
  3. Consumer Goods Manufacturers: From household products to electronics, manufacturers face hurdles in maintaining consistent output levels.

Potential Strategies for Diversifying Sourcing Options

To mitigate these risks and ensure continuity of supply, companies can adopt several strategies:

  1. Long-Term Supplier Agreements:
  • Establishing robust contracts with multiple suppliers across different regions helps spread risk.
  1. Building Strategic Reserves:
  • Maintaining an inventory buffer can cushion against short-term disruptions.
  1. Exploring Alternative Materials:
  • Investing in research and development for alternative materials that can substitute traditional resins.
  1. Strengthening Local Production Capabilities:
  • Encouraging domestic production reduces reliance on international supply chains.
  1. Enhanced Supplier Collaboration:
  • Working closely with suppliers to forecast demand and plan for potential disruptions ensures smoother operations.

Preparing for Future Disruptions

Companies must remain vigilant and proactive in their approach to supply chain management. Developing comprehensive risk assessment frameworks and incorporating predictive analytics can help anticipate and prepare for future market volatilities.

By diversifying sourcing strategies and enhancing collaboration with suppliers, industries can navigate the current challenges posed by the Mexico drought while building resilience against future disruptions. This proactive stance will be crucial as they continue to adapt to an increasingly volatile global market environment.

Mitigating Supply Chain Risks Through Resin Procurement Strategies

Proactive supply chain management is crucial for navigating the complexities of the resin market. Adopting effective resin procurement strategies can significantly minimize risks and ensure business continuity.

Key Practices for Effective Resin Procurement:

1. Long-Term Partnerships

Establishing long-term relationships with reliable suppliers, such as those highlighted in the Coca-Cola Business Sustainability Report 2022, helps secure a consistent supply of high-quality resin. These partnerships often offer better pricing and priority access during supply disruptions.

2. Diversification

Sourcing resin from multiple suppliers across different regions can mitigate the risk associated with geopolitical events or localized disruptions like the Mexico drought. This approach aligns with the principles discussed in an NCBI article on supply chain diversification.

3. Inventory Management

Maintaining optimal inventory levels through demand forecasting and safety stock ensures a buffer against sudden supply chain hiccups.

4. Contract Flexibility

Including force majeure clauses in contracts provides legal protection and flexibility to navigate unforeseen events affecting resin availability, as exemplified by the practices of companies like OSI Group.

Risk Mitigation Measures:

1. Supplier Audits

Regular evaluations of supplier capabilities and risk profiles help identify potential weaknesses in the supply chain.

2. Alternative Materials

Exploring alternative resins or materials that fulfill product requirements can reduce dependency on volatile resin markets.

3. Technology Integration

Leveraging technology such as blockchain for transparent tracking and AI for predictive analytics enhances decision-making in procurement processes.

By implementing these best practices, companies can better withstand market volatilities and maintain a stable flow of essential materials.

Embracing Resin Alternatives and Sustainable Packaging Solutions

Exploring resin alternatives offers industries a pathway to reduce vulnerability to market volatilities while advancing sustainability goals. By diversifying material options, companies can mitigate risks associated with traditional resin supply chains.

1. Alternative Materials

Industries are increasingly turning to materials such as bio-based resins, which are derived from renewable sources like corn starch and sugarcane. These alternatives not only provide stability against market fluctuations but also support environmental responsibility.

2. Recycled Resins

Leveraging recycled PET (rPET) reduces dependency on virgin resins and aligns with circular economy principles. The use of rPET in packaging helps lower carbon footprints and decreases plastic waste.

3. Biodegradable Options

Innovations in biodegradable materials offer promising solutions for sustainable packaging. Products made from polylactic acid (PLA) or polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) decompose under specific conditions, reducing long-term environmental impact.

Innovation in Eco-Friendly Packaging

Innovation is key to developing eco-friendly packaging solutions that diminish reliance on virgin resins:

1. Advanced Recycling Technologies

Chemical recycling methods, such as those outlined in this scientific article, break down plastics to their original monomers, allowing for the creation of high-quality recycled resins suitable for various applications.

2. Design for Recycling

Packaging designs that prioritize ease of recycling, such as single-material containers and minimalistic labels, enhance recyclability and resource efficiency.

By focusing on these strategies, industries can adopt more resilient, sustainable practices that not only address current challenges but also contribute positively to the environment.


Staying informed about the Mexico drought’s impact on the summer resin market is crucial for navigating future uncertainties. Adapting strategies based on real-time developments can help mitigate risks and ensure business continuity.

Key Actions for Readers:

  • Stay Updated: Regularly follow industry news and updates on the resin market. Websites like Plastics News and ICIS provide comprehensive coverage.
  • Industry Associations: Join associations such as the American Chemistry Council (ACC) or the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE). These organizations offer valuable resources and networking opportunities.
  • Adopt Proactive Measures: Implement advanced supply chain management practices to anticipate and respond to disruptions effectively.

Engaging with these resources can empower you to make informed decisions and maintain a competitive edge in an ever-evolving market landscape.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What recent significant event has affected the resin market?

The recent occurrence of a significant event that has affected the resin market includes the unexpected summer dip in PET bottle resin prices and the impact of the Mexico drought on resin production.

What are the key factors contributing to price fluctuations in the resin market?

Key factors contributing to price fluctuations in the resin market include supply and demand dynamics, feedstock costs, and geopolitical events.

What are some unconventional reasons behind the recent downward shift in PET bottle resin prices?

Unconventional reasons that may have led to the recent downward shift in PET bottle resin prices include changes in consumer behavior and market competition.

How has the Mexico drought impacted resin production?

The severe drought situation in Mexico has specific effects on resin manufacturing activities, leading to the decision to halt production in the Altamira area, a major hub for resin plants, due to water scarcity issues. Companies have also resorted to declaring force majeure on resin contracts as a result of the unforeseen circumstances caused by the drought.

What are some potential strategies to diversify sourcing options for industries heavily reliant on imported resins from Mexico?

Potential strategies to diversify sourcing options for industries heavily reliant on imported resins from Mexico include analyzing the ripple effects of Mexico’s resin production disruptions on the broader international supply chain, with a focus on the U.S. market as a significant importer, and exploring potential strategies to ensure continuity of supply.

What are some best practices for effective resin procurement and supply chain management?

Best practices for effective resin procurement and supply chain management include establishing long-term partnerships with reliable suppliers and implementing risk mitigation measures.

How can industries explore alternative materials or resin types less vulnerable to market volatilities while aligning with sustainability objectives?

Industries can explore alternative materials or resin types that are less vulnerable to market volatilities while aligning with sustainability objectives by focusing on innovation in developing eco-friendly packaging solutions that reduce reliance on virgin resins, through methods like recycling and biodegradable materials.

What is a key takeaway from this article regarding future uncertainties in the resin market?

A key takeaway from this article is to encourage readers to stay informed about ongoing developments in the resin market and adapt their strategies accordingly to navigate future uncertainties. Resources for further reading or industry associations that provide updates on resin-related news and trends are also suggested.

Qian Ding
Qian Ding

I have 10 years of experience in the field of plastics machinery, and I have been interested in plastics machinery since I was a child.

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